Your income is your most important asset.
An interruption of your income can take years and years to recover. Disability Income insurance should be the bridge during a period of disability and loss of income.
Global DI Brokerage is committed to helping you determine the right company, the right product and the appropriate income protection program for your client. The market for disability insurance is very large if you consider everyone that is employed as a potential prospect and needs to protect his income. Small business owners in particular are extremely exposed both on a personal level as well as a business level and are very good candidates for Disability Income as well as Business Overhead Insurance. A strong disability program that may incorporate some level of short term, long term and/or group disability could be the answer to solving many of these problems.
At Global DI Brokerage, we have the companies, the products and the expertise to help you grow your business and help your clients with this important protection. We can help you custom design, present and close the sale. Please contact our Disability Department today to get started selling disability income protection insurance. We also have special risk disability coverage for impaired risk, risks, and occupations not insureable by traditional carriers.