Hybrid News and Enhancements, More DI news
Global DI brokerage Corp would like to remind all of our producers we use the Barracuda security system for our e-mails. This is a change from our old Smarsh system and we just want everyone to be aware and on the lookout so that you do not miss any important emails. Our rebranding continues – our new website should be completed around the end of July along with our new logo. Look for several events to happen in late 2022 and 2023 to reinforce our rebranding. Fingers crossed that Monmouth Racetrack should be back in 2023!
In this blast please find the following important updates, product changes, and competitive news. We start it with a couple of LTC changes:
– Care Matters II: Pricing improvements announced by Nationwide Hybrid. Across the board this is roughly a 5% decrease (see link) in pricing and the age limit is now 75. More Here
– Secure care III: Secure Care III has all the things you love about its predecessor – a cash indemnity benefit for LTC clients to use with no fine print or restrictions – plus more flexibility. More Here
– Mass Mutual DI – Call us to learn about the new Mass Mutual Radius DI plan and compensation plans. See below on DI for military doctors with Mass. A premier product in these difficult times. More Here
– Standard DI – “Combine platinum advantage discounts for up to 35% off” Here is the Link
Guaranteed issue DI programs – Global DI Brokerage continues to lead the industry with offers from 3 lives and up (with 5 lives and up being the sweet spot) from Met, Mass Mutual, Principal, Lloyd’s high limit, and others. Please let one of our reps help guide you through the steps necessary to write these profitable and easily underwritten cases.